Facebook Cartoon Profile Pics

I was going to write about the chaos of my day and how stressed I am, but I just read a blog post on this topic and feel as an abuse survivor I need to weigh in.

The writer of this blog, see freshly pressed if you’d like to read it, ponders just how everyone changing their profile pic could possibly help stop child abuse.  This person does agree with awareness campaigns but feels this one on facebook was pointless.  I BEG TO DIFFER.

Were I 7 again, or 8 or 9 or 10 or 13, seeing the solidarity of the community would quite probably helped me to feel less isolated and alone.  And in turn, wouldn’t feeling less alone have been more likely to help me realize that it wasn’t my fault, I didn’t ask for it, and I could tell someone?  So what if it didn’t raise money for the cause?  So what if it took only a minute and most people probably did it for a fun walk down memory lane?  The results are the same.  Somewhere, some child who is being forced to play grown up games, saw cartoon characters all over facebook.  That same child may have just had their first experience in support.  That means something, even if others think it’s nothing.

My cartoon…Amazon Princess Diana, aka Wonder Woman.  When I was five I wanted to be Wonder Woman so much that I began writing the name Diana on my papers in Kindergarten.  No one messed with Wonder Woman.  If that isn’t telling…

So, to wrap this up.  As some of my newfound friends and fellow survivors and I have found, the internet is a wonderful source of support and caring.  As many people may already know, the smallest act of kindness and caring can bring about great change in the world.  Sounds to me like 1 + 1 = 2.  Lame and pointless?  I don’t think so.


  1. I thought it was odd, but I also believe that anything helps if it brings some awareness to any form of child abuse. The only problem I had with it was that I didn’t know that what was happening to me was not normal. I feel that the most benefit from this will come from adult survivors, friends/family of survivors, and those wanting to learn more and at least be aware.

    I wanted to be Lieutenant Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica and I had a poster of Dirk Benedict and Richard Hatch on my ceiling. He was strong, a pilot, lived in space, cunning and adorable.

    • I agree that it wasn’t organized well. I think a lot of people didn’t know what it was about at first. But, even with the poor organization though, so many people participated and the word is spreading. It’s just one small step in bringing the dirty little secrets out of the closet and into the light.

  2. I love your post! I’m all for anything that helps in any way. I watched She-ra Princess of Power growing up. She’s He-man’s twin sister and He-man was a big deal back then. 🙂 I had an action figure and everything. She had a sword and to me she was a hero. Silly but I had to have something besides Barbies. *eye roll*

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